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The Pop Quiz at the End of the Universe: C.L. Wilson


The Pop Quiz at the End of the Universe: C.L. Wilson

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The Pop Quiz at the End of the Universe: C.L. Wilson


Published on August 1, 2014


Welcome back to The Pop Quiz at the End of the Universe, a recurring series here on featuring some of our favorite science fiction and fantasy authors, artists, and others!

Today we’re joined by C.L. Wilson, author of the Tarien Soul epic fantasy romance series. C.L’s novels have won numerous awards including,’s Best Paranormal debut of 2007, the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence, two National Reader’s Choice awards, the Colorado Award of Excellence, and the Holt Medallion. She is also the honored recipient of the PEARL award from Paranormal Romance as the best new author of 2007, and winner of the 2009 PEARL award for best Romantic Fantasy novel. Her latest standalone novel, The Winter King, is available now from Avon Books.

Join us!

What is your favorite short story?

Arthur C. Clarke’s “The Star,” tied with Ursula K. LeGuin’s “The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas.” (The fact that I remember them decades after reading in High School English class… yeah, they made an impression.)

Describe your favorite place to write.

I love to write in the big, comfy leather recliner in my bedroom. Though if comfort wasn’t an issue and my computer screen didn’t glare or wash out in the sun, I’d love to write sitting on thick, soft, green grass under a tree, a cool breeze in my hair, looking out over some gorgeous vista (the oceans off the coast of Hawaii, beautiful mountainscapes, rolling green hills, etc.)

CL Wilson The Winter KingIf you had to choose one band or artist to provide the official soundtrack to your latest book, who would it be?

Do composers count? If so, Howard Shore or the guy who did the Skyrim soundtrack. If not, then, hmmm… Phil Collins, maybe. Always loved his Tarzan soundtrack. Wonder what he could do with a Norse-inspired theme.

Do you have a favorite underrated or unknown author?

Most of the ones I love end up having lots of readers appreciating them just as much as I do. How about I give a list of some of my favorite not-underrated, not-unknown authors in case someone out there hasn’t given them a try: Patricia Briggs, Faith Hunter, Nalini Singh, Christine Feehan, Kresley Cole, Thea Harrison, Jeaniene Frost. All of them feature some combination of fantasy/paranormal/sci-fi and romance, which is what I love to read and write.

Battle to the death, which weapon do you choose: A) Phaser, B) Lightsaber, or C) Wand?

Wand, so long as I also had the magic to use it! And so long as that magic was deadly, of course. I’d hate to be in a battle to the death and only be able to shower my enemy with daisies and soft, cuddly kittens.

If you could choose your own personal theme music/song to play every time you enter a room, what would you pick?

“Hail to the Chief.” Oh, wait, I don’t want that job. It’s thankless and ages you before your time.

“We are the Champions,” by Queen.

What’s your favorite sandwich?

A Reuben. And thanks,! Now I’m hungry!

What literary or film science fiction technology do you wish existed in our world right now?

Thinking about others: Those little medical pods that fix everything, cure diseases even at the genetic level, regenerate limbs, etc.

Thinking about me: faster than light space travel available for the price of a bus ticket or airplane flight. Because I soooo want to travel the universe and see what else is out there.

What was your gateway to SF/Fantasy, as a child or young adult?

Tolkien’s LOTR and Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern.

What would your Patronus/familiar be?

A tairen (bat winged, flying, fire-breathing jaguar)

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